Everyone likes to be recognized for their extra efforts - especially kids. However, some prizes are motivating and others not so much. Try to develop...
Fundraising News
What markets make sense to call on? Do you have a target audience or specific group that you like to work with instead of others? ...
As summer takes off, school is closed or closing soon, it is time for production schedules to be confirmed and executed. Below is a review...
Now is the time to have your middle school and elementary school principal meetings. You know, the ones you scheduled back in late April through...
Keeping in touch is SO important and will serve you well as you work to expand your reach into other schools and with more than...
As you wrap up your Spring season, it is important to take a few minutes to reflect and evaluate your business. Ask yourself these questions...
Now that you’ve worked on your list of principals at the area Middle Schools and Elementary Schools, you can work to maximize your summer months....
These groups are not necessarily associated with a school, but are active in the area. Many times they are a non-profit or local organization that...